Our team welcomes
job-seeking professionals.

Job Position Description: Bachelor's or Master's degree in Electrical Engineering
Familiarity with PMSM and BLDC motor driver structures
Familiarity with motor driver circuits (flyback, boost, buck) and design principles of isolated and non-isolated voltage converter circuits
Interest in problem solving and facing challenges in the design, technical and production aspects of industrial drivers.
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering or Master of Power Electronics or Electronics
Familiarity with the structure of BLDC and PMSM motor drivers
Familiarity with the design principles of isolated and non-isolated voltage converter circuits (flyback, boost, buck)
Familiarity with ARM microcontrollers, peripherals and ARM microcontroller programming in C language
Familiarity with communication protocols (SPI, UART, CAN)
Designer Alt and PCB circuit design software, familiarization with design principles
Interested in solving problems and facing design, technical and production challenges of industrial drives

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